Monica Williams's Fundraiser

Help Celebrate Monica’s Graduation in honor of the Grand Farm!
Join me and help make a difference!
Join me in supporting real change. Let's support good in the world and make a difference. Please consider making an investment in the Grand Farm to continue to allow the people in La Coroza discover their greatness and for their dreams to continue to grow. We believe in the future of the 126 people in La Coroza and have seen them prosper over the last 5 years. Let's make sure the people of La Coroza always have the opportunity to invest in making their own dreams come true!
Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for HUMANITY AND HOPE UNITED FOUNDATION INC
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT – In honor of FINALLY completing my bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management I am raising funds for the Humanity and Hope United Foundation to purchase the Grand Farm in La Coroza, Honduras!
I've been blessed with the opportunity to pursue a higher education, which to many of us in the US it seems like the natural path to take. It's not even a question of if you're going to college, but more so a decision of which college you're going to attend. However, in some countries and communities like La Coroza the typical education level is 6th grade or lower. Primary school up to 6th grade is free, secondary school which is 7th grade and above they have to pay to send their children to school. Many families can't afford this – and I want to be a part of helping change this statistic. Currently Humanity and Hope is renting the Grand Farm which has provided 20+ jobs for men in the community and has helped 40 children attend school every day. If they are not able to purchase this land by early 2019 these men lose their jobs and income, which reduces the odds even further of these children having the opportunity to continue their education. Many of you know that I don't take my opportunity to pursue a higher education for granted, it's been a long road and a tough four years. The trip I took to last month to visit these villages profoundly changed my heart and helped me understand the challenges they truly face. So I want to take this opportunity to pay it forward and help La Coroza secure a better future for their children, and for generations to come!
Thank you for considering supporting the future of La Coroza in honor of my graduation. And an even bigger THANK YOU to all my family and friends who helped support me and encourage me over these past four years! I can't thank all of you enough for being a constant source of inspiration and being cheerleaders for me – it was not easy, and I attribute my success to all of the love you guys graciously and generously shared with me! THANK YOU!!!