Humanity and Hope's Generous Event

September 30, 2017 @ 7:00PM — 11:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

A night to share stories and celebrate generosity

Humanity and Hope's Generous Event image

There are currently no tickets available for this event, but you can still make a donation.


Come join us for an evening of storytelling, drinks, Honduran food, music, and a unique silent auction!

Humanity & Hope United is a non-profit working to assist underserved villages in remote parts of Honduras. We partner with the people of each village to achieve sustainable change, focusing on the needs of individuals rather than a single issue or approach. We are convinced that hope is contagious—that when people invest their talents in making others' lives better, hope will spread.

Our vision is that the people we serve grow into the fullest version of themselves and use their unique gifts to serve others. Our mission is to empower people through self-directed, sustainable change in six key areas: infrastructure, economy, community, health, education, and leadership.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Learn - $150
This package includes 2 event tickets, 1 appetizer ticket, and generously provides one week of work for a Honduran in one of our villages. In return for your generosity your name will be listed as a Learn sponsor at the event, announced at the event, and posted on the Hope & Humanity website.

Grow - $300
This packages includes 4 event tickets, 2 appetizer tickets, a reserved table, bottle of wine, and generously provides two weeks of work for a Honduran in one of our villages. In return for your generosity your logo will be listed as a Grow level sponsor at the event, announced at the event, posted on your table, and on the Humanity & Hope website.

Prosper - $500
This package includes 6 event tickets, 2 appetizer tickets, a reserved table, 2 bottles of wine, and generously provides one month of work for a Honduran in one of our villages. In return for your generosity your logo will be listed as a Prosper level sponsor at the event, logo will be posted on the stage at the event, posted on your table, and on the Humanity & Hope website.

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities:
*Please email for more information

Entertainment Sponsor
Coffee Sponsor
Cocktail Sponsor
Auction Sponsor
Wine Sponsor
Bathroom Sponsor
Electricity Sponsor
Air Conditioner Sponsor